Certificates and Systems

Quality Assurance in KOTO Company
At KOTO, we adhere to the highest environmental and veterinary standards. Environmental protection, health, and safety of our employees and the broader community are integral parts of our business policy.
Ensuring the quality of our products and services is one of our key strategic objectives. This requires the consistent implementation, maintenance, development, and improvement of systems and processes to manage the quality of work and products. Our product quality is continuously monitored in our own laboratory.
Our commitment to quality is also evident through the certifications we have obtained.
Certifications that attest to our quality:
- ISO 9001: Our quality management system at KOTO complies with the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard.
- ISO 14001: In 1999, we became one of the first companies in Slovenia to obtain the ISO 14001 environmental management system certification, confirming our business practices are in line with the requirements of this environmental standard.
- HACCP: We have implemented a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system, which ensures a preventive and systematic approach to producing safe and healthful food. It covers food processing from the farmer to the end user’s table.
- SMETA: This certification evaluates ethical practices within the supply chain, ensuring high quality in areas such as labor relations, environment, occupational health and safety, and business practices.
- ISCC EU: The certification validates the high-quality processes related to the collection, procurement, processing, and trading of sustainable biomass.
- CERTIFICATO INS – ITALIAN NATIONAL SYSTEM: This certification proves our compliance with the Italian certification scheme for biofuels and liquid biofuels.